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Monday, July 13, 2009

Oh the difference a day can make…

The last two days were clear, warm and pretty. Today I wake up and sit on the porch and the lake is so still and the reflection is beautiful.


I get Bryce up and we head down for our 4 hour hike/boat tour. It starts with a 30 minute boat ride across the lake (actually two boat rides with a short walk between them) followed by a 3 hour hike and another boat ride back. As soon as we get on the boat it starts hailing! Little BB sized round hail balls. Bryce is thrilled – I am worried. We head on…. like soldiers heading into battle, as our comfy hotel gets further and further away.

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So we get off the boat and follow our Naturalist naively into the wilderness.

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But we are having fun even with the light rain. The hiking is fun and we can still see the great views. Our Naturalist Bren points out all sorts of interesting plants along the way and we take some pictures too.

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We take an extra side hike to Hidden Falls and then hike all the way back to the dock to wait for the boat. It is now raining freezing rain. I am ready for my bed and covers!

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On the boat on the way back the Naturalist points out a bear on the edge of the lake. I only have my little camera out – the SLR is tucked safely in my backpack and I am too frozen to get it out. So I don’t get a good zoomed in photo – but I did get a picture.

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Trust me – he is there!!

So we loved the hike, rain and all, but we were freezing!! So we took a LONG nap! Our evening consisted of a yummy Italian dinner. warming ourselves by the lodge fire, a ranger program on the park and then a David Walburn show. He is a story teller, song writer and put on a show about him and some friends building a cabin the the Alaskan Wilderness.

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1 comment:

Naomi Chokr said...

Hi Terry!!

Glad to see you have a blog!!! Hope you post some new things soon. I just subscribed to your blog.

Take care!!!